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Showing posts from October, 2015

Of Honesty and Integrity and All That Matters...or Does it??

So this is a post which will probably go unread by everyone except me and my SO, but it doesn't matter. Let this be just something I am throwing out at the universe. This dilemma is something I have been wanting to share with the "Universe" for a long time, so here goes... Honesty, integrity, kindness and goodness were some of the most used words when I was growing up. It didn't matter so much how many marks I got or how well I did in school, as it meant to stick to the right side of the proverbial road. But, as I grew up, I saw its not all black and white. The line blurred between the two regions during my adolescence, and by the time I started working, there was a considerable gap that was grey.  Again I feel the widening of that gap, the grey shades continue to grow and confound me. What is wrong and right? Do small wrongs not matter? How small is the wrong doing to be passed as acceptable. It is human to err, or so has been taught, but how much of an err